GPT-4o : OpenAI Launches GPT-4o With Variety of New Features

GPT-4o : OpenAI’s ChatGPT created a sensation around the world, now the company has introduced yet new chatbot. The newly launched chatbot is a new version of the artificial intelligence based chatbot ChatGPT. Open AI says it will provide users with better content quality and Will provide factual details. The name of this chatbot is ChatGPT 4o. ChatGPT is available to everyone, ChatGPT 4.0 is currently available to select users. Learn all about ChatGPT 4o.

Open AI, a company working on artificial intelligence, launched ChatGPT in November 2022. People got to know about this chatbot, it started using it rapidly. After the advent of ChatGPT, Discussions about AI started to appear everywhere.

OpenAI launched GPT-4o

After the huge success of ChatGPT, OpenAI has launched a new AI model GPT-4o. Here O stands for Omni. The company says this is a major step forward for human-computer interaction. This new model works on real time text, audio and video. The makers of GPT have now come up with a tool that actually talks like humans.

  • It is worth noting that the current ChatGPT (free version) only works on text. Now apart from text, audio, image and visuals can understood thanks to GPT. ChatGPT will tell you what’s going on around you.
  • According to the company, GPT 4o is an iteration of GPT 4 is much faster and works on text, vision and audio. Announcing GPT 4o, OpenAI CTO Meera Murthy said that it is free for all GPT users and will capped for paid users. This model can talk to you like a human.

Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, said the model is actually multimodal that can take commands via voice, text and images. GPT 4o can generate content automatically by taking commands in all three ways. This means that ChatGPT can now understand not text visuals, images or audio.   

What is GPT-4o

OpenAI has provided a demo of GPT-4o which is very interesting. Camera If you go to the ChatGPT interface and access your camera, GPT 4o will see what’s happening around you. That means ChatGPT 4o can understand what’s going on by looking at things around you. Who is doing what, who is wearing what or ChatGPT 4.0 can understand all the things and you can ask any question related to it.

  • According to OpenAI, GPT-4o can respond to any audio input in 232 milliseconds, which is similar to the response of a human. This means that a human hears something and responds at the time.
  • In the video demonstration you can see how the ChatGPT 4o is telling about things happening around. It tells whether the light is artificial. He is composing this song by observing things around. All you have to do is observe your surroundings and ask them to create a song, and ChatGPT 4o will instantly create a song.


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